Foreign Investment Insurance

We secure the risk of non-repayment of the loan granted by a bank to finance the foreign investment of a Polish company. If needed, we may also insure the completed investment against political risk or force majeure risk.


  1. The company can obtain a loan to make a direct investment abroad.
  2. The company's assets are not tied up as a collateral securing the investment loan, and may be used to grow the company’s business in other areas.
  3. The bank shares credit risk with KUKE, as KUKE can cover up to 100% of receivables under the loan agreement.
  4. Thanks to the insurance cover provided by KUKE the bank can increase the volume of lending and thus boost its business profits.
  5. Foreign Investment Insurance can be combined with insurance of the investment against political risk and force majeure risk.
  6. The investment may be carried in the form of an acquisition of a foreign company.
Investment insurance

Invest safely abroad and protect your investment against political risk.

  • You can insure an existing investment and secure a bank loan granted for the implementation of the investment.
  • Maximum period of insurance coverage is 20 years.
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How the Foreign Investment Insurance works

  1. Need for financing. A Polish entrepreneur is planning to invest abroad and turns to his bank for loan in order to carry out the investment.
  2. Finding solutions. When looking for ways to finance the investment, the bank, the entrepreneur, or both, turn to KUKE for insurance. Bank wants to share the credit risk with KUKE, the exporter needs access to credit without having to present additional security.
  3. Evaluation and acceptance. After evaluating the project, KUKE presents the bank with an offer for the Foreign Investment Insurance which will secure timely repayment of the loan, as well as provides cover against any additional risks, depending on location of the investment or specific needs of the investor.
  4. Financing. KUKE issues the Foreign Investment Insurance policy and the exporter obtains the bank loan.
  5. Service. The bank handles the investment loan. In case the loan is not repaid, KUKE provides the bank with a compensation specified in the insurance policy.

Eligibility criteria

  • The subject of the insurance are receivables resulting from a loan agreement concluded by a bank with an entrepreneur for the purpose of financing of a foreign direct investment.
  • Insurance coverage may also include receivables under a loan agreement for the refinancing of another loan extended by a bank to finance a foreign direct investment.
  • The maximum loan repayment period is 14 years.

Do you have questions? Please contact us.

Adam Grzybowski

+48 885 855 553

Paulina Więckowska

+48 691 250 872

Solutions for large companies

Manage credit and investment risk comprehensively.

  • Our solutions are tailored individually to meet the needs of your business.
  • We support sustainable growth of Polish enterprises both in the local market and abroad.
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Our solutions

Do you have trouble selecting the right solution for your business? Contact us!
Our consultant will help you choose the right package of solutions to support your company's foreign expansion.

News and insights

Over the past 30 years, thousands of Polish companies* have benefited from our solutions enabling safe growth of their business in Poland and worldwide.
*from small family businesses, through medium-sized companies to the largest international corporations