Investment insurance

The insurance covers losses incurred in connection with the execution of a direct investment abroad as a result of events referred to as political risk and force majeure.

The risks we cover

Decisions in the form of government interventions preventing an investment from going ahead.
The announcement of a universal payment moratorium.
Decisions concerning trade restrictions consisting of prohibitions on exports.
The transfer of receivables being rendered impossible (e.g. dividends).
The exercise of rights related to an investment being rendered completely impossible.
War, revolution, riots, protracted mass strikes, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, typhoons, flood, and fires of catastrophic dimensions.

What we insure

The insurance covers documented pecuniary and tangible expenditures as well as intangible and legal assets (net) invested in a foreign business, which give the right to participate in profits, in the estate in bankruptcy, guarantee the right to vote and to supervise and co-manage.

Share capital contributions adjusted in proportion to the implemented reduction or increase thereof.

Earmarked capital of a branch or representative office or additional contributions adjusted by the reimbursement of contributions.


A partner’s or shareholder’s claims under a loan provided that its purpose and terms and conditions indicate that it truly leads to the Insurer exerting an effective influence on the enterprise; the claim also includes interest payable.

Net profit and loss

Retained earnings or net loss and capital created from net profits made and retained earnings.


Expenditure related to the acquisition of ownership rights and other interests in property as well as other fixed assets in the country of the Investment in relation to the business operated by them abroad.

How can we assist you?
We will help you choose solutions best suited for your business.

Advantages of insuring investments abroad

  1. Maximum term of cover as long as 20 years.
  2. The insurance can also cover existing investments.
  3. Each year, you decide whether you want to extend your insurance cover by another year by either paying the premium or refraining from doing so.
  4. Effective bank loan collateral granted for acquisitions that have already been completed.
  5. The insurance protection covers up to 90% of the value of the investment.
  6. The cover can apply to almost 200 countries in the world.
  7. The payment of indemnity is guaranteed by the State Treasury.
  8. It provides indemnity ensuring the recovery of invested resources.
Find out about other opportunities related to investment insurance:
  • insurance of bank loans for financing direct investments abroad
  • Export Development Guarantees for companies starting or expanding their export business through investments carried out in Poland

in the section of solutions designed for banks.

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Over the past 30 years, thousands of Polish companies* have benefited from our solutions enabling safe growth of their business in Poland and worldwide.
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