BNP Paribas signs an agreement with KUKE regarding new solutions for exporters

BNP Paribas Bank Polska and KUKE have signed an agreement of intent on cooperation in the field of solutions supporting Polish exporters and will jointly undertake educational and promotional activities.

KUKE will secure financing provided to exporters by BNP Paribas Bank through guarantees and insurance securing the financing of domestic investments generating exports, working capital financing for exporters and financing foreign direct investments made by Polish entrepreneurs, it was stated.

“Together with the BNP Paribas bank, we want to equip thousands of Polish companies with modern tools that will allow them to compete even more effectively on foreign markets and better find themselves in the post-Covid reality. The solutions introduced this year by KUKE benefit both exporters and the banks financing them. The latter, using our counter-guarantees, which secure up to 80% of the accepted liability, can increase the level of customer financing. As a result, exporters will be able, for example, to invest more in the development of production potential and to intensify external expansion. Together with the banking sector, we can significantly support the development of exports and the entire economy, ”said Janusz Władyczak, KUKE’s President and CEO.

Agnieszka Wolska (Vice President of the Management Board at BNP Paribas Bank Polska) and Janusz Władyczak (President and CEO at KUKE)

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