KUKE and Türk Eximbank will open the markets of Africa and Asia to Polish companies

The reciprocal reinsurance agreement between KUKE and Türk Eximbank is an opportunity to engage Polish suppliers and subcontractors in international projects in developing countries.

KUKE signed an agreement with its Turkish counterpart Türk Eximbank on reciprocal reinsurance of export financing and investment transactions. The ceremony took place at the headquarters of the Turkish bank in Istanbul, and the documents were signed by CEO of KUKE, Janusz Władyczak and Vice-President, Katarzyna Kowalska, and on behalf of Türk Eximbank, by CEO Ali Güney and Deputy CEO Hakan Uzun.

Thanks to the agreement, KUKE will be able to insure the financing of projects in third countries with the participation of a partner from Türkiye, in which entities from Poland will be involved. In some cases, it will also be possible for a partner to join projects carried out either in Poland or Türkiye.

“At KUKE, we notice and appreciate the activity of Turkish companies that conduct numerous projects in developing countries related to the development of infrastructure. Over recent years, they have gained extensive experience, becoming entities responsible for important investments in African and Asian countries. However, they often need reliable suppliers or subcontractors ensuring high quality of service for complex and multi-stage projects. Hence our initiative to conclude a reinsurance agreement with Turk Eximbank, which has been supporting the foreign activities of Turkish companiess for years. Thanks to this cooperation, it will be easier for Polish companies to join projects carried out by contractors from Türkiye, as they will have backing of financial guarantees from KUKE. We are therefore integrating two areas, informing about available contracts with Turkish partners as part of our Shop in Poland solution and providing financial instruments securing the participation of Polish entrepreneurs in implemented projects".

Janusz Władyczak, president of KUKE

Recently, the intensity of our business contacts with partners from Türkiye has increased significantly. KUKE secured the financing of large railway projects in this country, to which suppliers from Poland were invited.

"Türk Eximbank is the sole official export credit agency of Türkiye, supporting transactions in foreign markets through its direct lending, guarantee and insurance mechanisms. We actively provide finance to Turkish exports all over the world and we will be more than glad to jointly support our exporters’ collaboration with Polish companies in third countries in regions such as Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe".

Ali Güney, CEO of Turk Eximbank

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