Polish companies will expand a university in Angola with KUKE’s support

Polish businesses compete more and more effectively for large contracts in African markets and are being able to offer a Turkey solutions for infrastructure projects.

The latest example of such success is the contract for the expansion of the Namibe University in Angola between the government and the Polish Quenda Group, which will be responsible for the implementation of the project as the general contractor. In order to execute the project, a consortium of Polish exporters has been established, with participation of Torhamer, a company from Gdynia, which will be supplying the equipment for the facilities. Given the involvement of Polish companies, the project is supported by KUKE – the official Export Credit Agency of Poland – through a comprehensive cover on the financing provided by the lenders [led by Standard Chartered bank]. 

The project in Angola shows that Polish companies can secure significant contracts on markets where they have been present only marginally so far. What's more, they can carry out large-scale infrastructural projects on their own. In the case of the transaction with Angola, KUKE played an important role by connecting the participants of the project and securing its financing, thus making it possible to become operational. We are glad that after being involved in the project of developing the network of gynecological and maternity hospitals in Ivory Coast, we have an opportunity to support another project with such positive impact on local society, this time in education. This aspect is extremely important to us, because by doing business, we want to simultaneously develop Polish enterprises, and improve the living conditions of local communities

Janusz Władyczak, CEO of KUKE

Polish contractors will be responsible for the 3rd phase of the construction and equipment of Namibe University in Moçâmedes, Angola. Standard Chartered Bank is arranging a total term financing package of USD 73 million to the Government of Angola. 

Standard Chartered has been active in Africa for many years providing financing for the development of critical infrastructure to improve essential services such as education, transportation and health care. We are proud to deliver yet another financing for a very important project for the Angolan Ministry of Finance. We are encouraged to see that Polish enterprises also want to get involved in the ongoing investments, and they are supported in this by KUKE

Desislava Radeva Director, Structured Export Finance, Standard Chartered Bank

For Quenda Group, which focuses on infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, it is already the third project implemented in Angola, showing that by bringing a combination of attractive offer, skills and competences and the financing, it is possible to compete for interesting projects. 

At the same time, the expansion of the University of Namibe is our first project financed by a leading international bank, Standard Chartered, with support from KUKE.

At the same time, the expansion of the University of Namibe is our first project financed by a leading international bank, Standard Chartered, with support from KUKE.

We are convinced that the implementation of the project will contribute to reinforcing Poland’s image as a modern country which has a lot to offer to its African partners. While resorting to local companies for basic construction works, we will source most of sophisticated machinery and equipment, including installations and IT infrastructure, from Poland in close collaboration with our consortium partner, Torhamer. Polish teams of experts will be responsible for the elaboration of technical documentation, managing and coordinating construction works as well as logistics. We are confident the time has come for Polish companies to establish themselves internationally not just as subcontractors or suppliers but as leaders capable of delivering complex projects.

To succeed in Angola, a business needs to be well established locally with a permanent presence. It is the only way to learn the specifics of the market and to establish strong relations with local partners

Małgorzata Szymczuk, CEO of the Quenda Group

Torhamer, a company from Gdynia, already present in Lithuania and South Africa is counting on further international contracts, also in Africa.

The project in Angola is an interesting challenge for our company, both in organizational and operational terms. Together with our consortium partner, the Quenda Group, we are counting on gaining experience in cooperation with local companies and getting to know the market better, which will result in new contracts in Africa. However we are interested and open to activities also in other parts of the world. For us, international expansion is an opportunity to broaden our experience and an important way to diversify our business, especially when we can take advantage of KUKE’s support.

Maciej Chamerski, CEO of Torhamer
From left: Maciej Chamerski, Ndilu Mankenda Nkula, Janusz Władyczak, Małgorzata Szymczuk, Jandira Monteiro, Victor Kabedi, Lokonda Bau Nzuzi

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